How to prepare your home for your cleaner

Firstly, it’s important to understand the difference is between housekeeping and cleaning.

The main distinction between housekeeping and house cleaning is that cleaning focuses on the cleanliness of the home (i.e. cleaning and sanitizing the bathroom, vacuuming and mopping the floors, cleaning kitchen bench and stovetop).

Housekeeping is all about tidying up, removing the clutter, preparing your home for cleaning, and making your home look nice.

It’s important to prepare your home for your cleaner so that they can get to all the required areas of your home in the allocated time.

Before your cleaners arrive to clean your home you need to spend some time preparing your home so that they can get to the required areas that need cleaning. This generally includes bedrooms, living areas, entrances and hallways, kitchen, laundry and bathrooms.

You can prepare your home by following these four (4) steps;

Step 1: Remove clutter

One of the golden rules for getting your house ready for professional cleaning is to effectively remove clutter from your home. This allows your cleaner easier access to surface areas that need to be cleaned without a chance of you misplacing anything.

Tidy up and keep all clothes, dishes, and toys in their proper places so they don’t get in the way of the cleaning process.

Step 2: Put away private items and valuables

Valuables and personal items that you would not wish to be disturbed or touched should be put away before your cleaner arrives. This keeps your personal items protected, and ensures that any valuables will not be lost or damaged during your house cleaning.


Step 3: Put animals away

Find a comfortable and secure spot for all of your pets (excluding service dogs) that is out of the way of the cleaning. This ensures that your pets do not come into contact with any toxic or poisonous cleaning chemicals and that the cleaners can do their job properly.

Step 4: Not at home while cleaning is being carried out?

If you’re getting your cleaning service done when you’re at home and you also require in-home laundry services including changing on bed linen, it’s important that you leave out fresh bed sheets and bathroom linen if you need them changed.


Six health benefits to a clean home