45 things to throw away (or donate) for instant decluttering

When my space is cluttered, my thoughts become cluttered. Do you feel like that too? 

If so, you may be ready to start decluttering your home. I know I am! 

I’ve already started on my sons’ wardrobe and toys but I know there’s a lot more that I can do to really feel like my home is ‘clutter-free’. We’ve got drawers throughout the house that REALLY need some decluttering!

If you find yourself surrounded by clutter and are ready to start making some changes, ask yourself these three questions when making the decision to keep it or get rid of something:

  1. Have I used it or worn it in the past year?

  2. Is it justifying the space it’s taking up in my home or office?

  3. Is it beautiful or does it serve a practical need?

If you answered ‘No’ to the above, then the item you’re trying to make a decision on simply becomes “clutter” and it needs a new home – and not in yours! 

Where should I put the things that are cluttering up my life?

You can:

Gift It - pass it on to a friend or family member that wants it. Alternatively, you could take a pic of it and post it on a Facebook Community Buy, Swap and Sell page with a description and FREE as the price!

Sell It - Make a profit by selling something you no longer want/ need. Have a garage sale, share the cost of a market stall with a friend or family member, or post it on a social media page (like the one mentioned above).

Donate It - Many local charities such as the Salvation Army and the St Vincent de Paul Society (Vinnies) welcome gently used items. Do not donate it unless it is clean or unless it works.

Throw it away - throwing things away is great if you can't find another home for it or sell it, but when you do throw something away, remember to think green and recycle where possible.

Need a little help to get you started?

Here’s a list of 45 things you can start with on your journey of decluttering your home or office.

  1. Old magazines

  2. Old couch pillows

  3. DVDs that you don’t watch (box up and donate to charity)

  4. DVDs that are scratched

  5. Burnt out candles

  6. Extra cords

  7. Games with missing pieces

  8. Old books (box up and donate to charity)

  9. Broken makeup

  10. Old makeup

  11. Old nail polish

  12. Old perfume

  13. Old toothbrushes

  14. Empty bottles (that you can’t refill)

  15. Towels with holes

  16. Underwear with holes

  17. Clothes you haven’t worn in the last 6 months (bag up and donate to charity)

  18. Clothes that don’t fit (bag up and donate to charity)

  19. Earrings without a match

  20. Old ties (bag up and donate for charity)

  21. Old belts (give to charity)

  22. Old purses / handbags (charity will take these too!)

  23. Old hats and gloves (donate to charity)

  24. Worn out shoes

  25. Worn out blankets (some animal shelters will take these!)

  26. Old pillows

  27. Expired food

  28. Take-away menus (that you never purchase from/ aren’t there anymore)

  29. Restaurant sauce packets

  30. Old receipts

  31. Old (expired) cleaning supplies

  32. Cups with chips/ missing pieces

  33. Anything you have too much of

  34. Excess tupperware (charity will love this)

  35. Rags with holes

  36. Expired medication

  37. Old mail

  38. Old manuals

  39. Old paperwork

  40. Birthday cards

  41. Broken toys

  42. Take-away meal toys

  43. Anything with missing pieces

  44. Things the kids never play with (donate, donate, donate!)

  45. Puzzles with missing pieces

Feeling overwhelmed at the thought of decluttering your home?

When your home is filled with clutter, trying to tackle a mountain of stuff can be quite overwhelming.

Here’s my advice, start with just 10mins today. Celebrate the wins and do another 10 mins tomorrow. Keep going with 10mins each day and before you know it you’ll start to see the results you’re looking for.

If for whatever reason you can’t tackle the clutter in your home yourself, a friendly team member at Sistability might be able to help. Contact the Sistability office via email or by calling us between 9:00am and 5:00pm, Monday to Friday.


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