What is considered ‘reasonable’ and ‘necessary’ when it comes to NDIS funding?

If you can answer ‘yes’ to the questions that are most relevant to the support in questions, then there’s a good chance that it can be funded.

1.Is it directly related to your disability?

For example: If your disability prevents you from cleaning your house, it would be necessary for you to hire a cleaner with your NDIS funding.

2. Is it something other than a day-to-day living expense?

For example: While the NDIS can fund an iPad that allows you to access remote therapy, it won’t fund your internet bill, as this is a day-to-day living expense.

3. Does it offer value for money?

For example: If you need noise-cancelling headphones to manage sensory concerns, a top of the line or luxury brand may not be considered reasonable and necessary as there are cheaper options with the noise-cancelling feature.

4. Does it help you achieve your NDIS goals or become more active in the community?

For example Pottery classes may be considered necessary if one of your NDIS goals was “to learn how to express myself through creativity”.

5. Is it unreasonable for your informal support network to provide the support?

For example: If you live with others who are able to clean the house or maintain the garden, the NDIS may only consider it reasonable to pay for a professional to service your room or part of the house and likely won’t consider it reasonable to service the entire property.

6. Is the NDIS the only way you can fund the support?

For example: If you partially pay for a psychology visit with your GP mental health plan, the NDIS won’t consider it necessary to pay the difference with your NDIS funds.

Still not have a clear yes or no answer? We recommend you speak to a Support Coordinator or Plan Manager like Plan Partners or myintegra to help you determine whether cleaning supports are ‘reasonable and necessary for you.

If you answered yes to the above, then Sistability would love to help make your life that little bit easier by providing high-quality, reliable and professional cleaning services.



NDIS Domestic Cleaning Services

Whether you are looking for regular support or you simply need help with a one-off service… WE CAN DO IT!

Find out more about Sistability’s NDIS service offering by clicking on the button below.


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